插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 UglyPotato的插画

aye new oc! (Read desc. if you want more info)

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浏览数 455


  • medibangpaint

Ok first of all, bf= boyfriend not best friend and the only reason I made a new oc is because I only have like five human oc so, yes. Also, I want y'all to guess who's his bf is. Any ways here's the story:-

Cameron is a 18-year-old teenager whose life is dominated by solving the murder of his brother, Bentley. Bentley was poisoned and the killer was never found which lead the case to be unsolved.

He is British who defines himself as bi. He is currently at school.

Physically, Cameron is in good shape. He is very tall with fair skin, copper hair and blue eyes.

He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. Having never really known his parents, he was raised in a series of foster homes.

Cameron goes to Little Lobster School, where his favourite subjects are technical drawing and woodwork.

Cameron has a boyfriend and they seem to love to hang out but Cameron have some problems with his boyfriend's brother. He believe that he might be the killer.


    时间顺序 UglyPotato的插画





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