Лёха - rushed reference - (desc for more info) LEVEL 1
4 years ago
6’3, i changed his age cause why not
I still don’t know what his sexuality is-
-heavy Russian accent
-mostly uses knives to fight
-has blue eyes when he “snaps” (just like sanesss undertale haha funny moment)
-has a houndeye pet (or how he likes to call him, his son) named Главик (Glavik)
-also has an ‘internet’ son: Horrid
-has some edgy as fricc moments
-d i d I m e n t i o n h i s f e m i n i n e h i p s ?
Some phrases that he loves to use:
“it’s not gay to give your homies a goodnight kiss”
“In mother Russia, we kill bear with m o u t h”
“Fuck your mother dude-“
“Oh shit oh fuck”
“Sometimes it just be like that”
Fun fact: he was supposed to be a half-life character but you know- I think that it wouldn’t be very interesting
He’s partly my persona, or maybe just a simple character that I’m attached to WAY too much gnnn
(Also, this isn’t important but, for the 2nd drawing a reference was used, that’s why it looks “better” than any other of my work)