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updated Starcross oc LEVEL 1

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3 years ago

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oh look! a ref sheet I'm actually proud of... sorta-

extra info I couldn't fit:
she logs everything that goes on in Starcross in her journal
despite going out so much, not much people exactly remember her since she hangs around extremely crowded places
her notebook is for rewriting what she sends to her pen pal so she can remember what she wrote
just in case you're thinking it, no, she doesn't have Alamort Amygdala Disease, she has Athazagoraphobia, fear of forgetting.
because of that, she's constantly taking photos she thinks worth treasuring.
she's also fine with being forgotten, just forgetting stuff

boy, I do love my phobias, don't I? I really need to get on my list or else I won't get anything done. hopefully nothing else will come barrelling towards me at highspeed screaming "do this quickly or suffer the consequences".

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