私の兄弟 / My brother
2 years ago
私が彼に近づくほど、彼はより攻撃的になります。彼はもう新しい部屋を出たくない、もう一言も話せない、泣き声やうめき声を出すだけ、光でさえ彼を傷つける... 私が最後にドアを開けたとき、彼はかつて私を攻撃しようとした.時間。私は彼を永久にそこに閉じ込めると思う...
The closer I get to him, the more aggressive he gets. He doesn't want to leave his new room anymore, he can't speak a single word anymore, he just makes crying and moaning sounds, even the light hurts him... he once tried to attack me when I opened the door last time. I think I'll lock him there for good...