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2 years ago

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  • Hope299GAMES

I posted this on topics earlier but I'm not sure if anyone saw it-might as well put it in the gallery.
This is Asher! He's existed for a few months now I just...haven't really been able to draw him properly for some reason. He has also only recently been named I've only ever called him "beeg boi" lmfao. I'm happy with this doodle tho. He's a 7ft tall coffee shop worker and volunteers at a bunch of different places, he's dumb as a bag of rocks but his heart is in the right place we got a himbo ova here-
Also a love interest for nick :] they're both wholesome dudes who love people and animals and good food and so they just ya know? Funny comparison Asher is again 7ft and nick is 5'9 have fun imagining that.
Also before anyone asks and IRL friend named him and his name just so happens to coexist with some medibang usernames and a certain pocket monster collector o k -

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