イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 Hikariza Shisayaのイラスト

Right Onelight (Godbless manga) Mr. Right. 😐

お気に入り 0
ビュー数 102


  • 男の子

  • Shounen

  • NewHairstyle

  • RightOnelight

  • Boyagain

  • UpdateGodbless

  • NewDesignCharacter

Actually, on second thought, I will change this again because I have a feeling that it doesn't fit the shounen genre and the story. He only have hairstyle change. This will be final. I promise. I have no time for time. I have to read more books and practice to draw and study art being self-taught. I shouldn't be distracted by other things. I think this character fits now. It will be final. I have a different feeling about designing. The girl will still appear on story still. Such a waste design if not used. I am watching anime Re:Creators. It's good. I am looking forward what happen next because I don't have any idea. Hahahahahaha. I think my story is bad because I don't have a lot of situations that must fit the story. I think it's bad but still trying to submit maybe it's a try. Hahahahahaha. I will try to think harder. What's the routine of the character today? There is supposed to happen. It must happen. What is the character want to do? I keep asking myself. Please, brain think.


    新着 Hikariza Shisayaのイラスト


    Hikariza Shisaya


