일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Ash3rrrr의 일러스트

Did I Ever Mention I Play Doors? LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 5


  • 자캐

  • notmyoc

  • Midnight_Draws

  • Amber_Draws

  • MochaMochi

  • Ash3rrrr

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

When you first get into the game I usually buy the flashlight and lockpicks (as you will need the lockpick later) and try to get as much money as possible. Doors 0-49 are generally very easy provided you can dodge Rush (and Ambush if you get unlucky) Screech, and Seek. For seek really just get good at the controls so you can crouch and look left/right quickly. ALWAYS CHECK THE LAST DOOR NUMBER DURING HIS FIGHT BECAUSE YOU MIGHT RUN INTO A DUPE! For Figure I always check the right side first then run to the left as Figure usually only follows one path. After that go upstairs and get any remaining books and punch in the code. Buy the crucifix and lighter if possible as you'll need them later. After that just dodge Ambush, Rush, Seek and any other lesser entitles. Once you're at the greenhouse use the crucifix on Rush if you're not confident. At door 100 use your lockpick on the power panel rooms lock then keep your distance from Figure.

Okay that was my Doors tutorial, like and subscrib

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    신작순 Ash3rrrr의 일러스트




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