6 years ago
this is kind of a vent.
so let me explain,
alot of the time when I'm dreaming, nightmare or not, I'll get this horrifying sensation.
I can't move, if I try to scream it gets worse, my chest and shoulders feel unnaturally warm,
it feels like something is touching my chest, but not really, I can't describe it, and there's this weird breathing i hear too.
I think I've figured out what this is.
I think this is all deep, rooted instinct shit.
you can't move (as in you can't run away), you can't call for help (as in no one can save you) , and I've pinned down that it feels like an animal is scurrying all over you. the breathing sounds more and more like growling the more I think about it.
but still, I hate this with every fiber of my being. it feels wrong.
I want to talk to someone professional about this, because it's gotten to the point I've had a whole dream about this happening over and over and over, and honestly it scares me.