a fatal, but necessary sacrifice LEVEL 1
11 months ago
We casted the Red Crown after a rebellious act from one of our fellow bishops, The one who waits. His confusion on how death works led to us being harmed in many ways. letting him run free after this unacceptable behavior was not an option, though I didn't want to hurt him, somehow I still loved him. we chained and banished him in his domain. I forgotten a lot about the past, I can only remember my childhood and recent events. recently I've been getting visions about a lamb helping the one who waits get out of his prison. a vessel who will send me, my brothers and sister to our death, send us to him. I feel like I am losing control over the situation, I've already lost my mind. no one will understand what we've been through, the pain, the stress, the betrayal of someone you loved and been there their whole life. if killing a whole species is the only way to keep us and the world safe. then it's a fatal, but necessary sacrifice.