TUTORIAL: adding retro anime effects in Medibang! LEVEL 1
How to manually add chromatic aberration and effects!
(Explanation for translation below)
1. Duplicate your image two or three times (how many colors you want)
2. Add three multiply layers of red, blue, and green over each of the duplicates
3. Merge all the multiply layers to each one of the duplicates (as shown)
4. Set each color layer to “Lighten” and your image should go back to looking like before
5. Next, go through each color layer and shift them all in slightly different directions
6. merge all the color layers together and adjust opacity
7. Duplicate the original image and place on top of everything. Set layer mode to “Darken” and adjust opacity.
8. Duplicate the original image and place on top of everything. Use the Gaussian blur adjustment.Set layer mode to “Multiply” and adjust opacity.
9. Import a noise texture and set to “Overlay”
10. Adjust “Overlay” layer opacity, and done!