일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ẞobàTæ~의 일러스트

{Finish} Paris! Made by followers!

즐겨찾기 6


  • medibangpaint

Paris's Bio!
°A Witch
°142 Years old
°Likes= Cats, waffles and sing(Bonus! like hunting and winter)
Dislikes= Frogs, hard candy and grey colours(Bonus! hot temp)
°Traits= Love Moto Moto(I LIKE THEY'RE BIG, I LIKE THEY'RE C H U C K Y), Is shy and ignorant, Eat peanut butter when she's sad
Sexuality= Bisexual
Overall Personality= Shy, quiet, wise and gentle
Nationally= Finnish
Backstory= She had parents before and nice warm home. She was social butterfly and nice to everyone. She have a male fox name "Amber". She lived happy ever after but someday there something wrong. She just came back from school and saw her parents lying on floor, She went to her parents and tried to awake them. When she turn her parents around, she just saw a horror. Hers mother face was crash and hers father been stabs 11 times. She saw Amber been afraid below the table. She tried to get Amber and hugged him. She was cry alot. After that she took everything that she have and ran away with Amber.

    다음 작품

    신작순 ẞobàTæ~의 일러스트


    TrashCHs Artist


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