일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Zeth의 일러스트

Dream Reaper

즐겨찾기 1


  • robot

  • mewcarion

  • bomber

  • mecha

  • EX

  • dream

  • death

  • reaper

  • EXbomber

  • 봄버맨

EX bomber the Dream Reaper, When he first appear to you he comes with a contract that all you have to do is to sign it if you want to make his job easier, If you do sign it he will ask you to close your eyes so that you can die without feeling any pain. If you do not sign the contact he takes it back and tells you that in a few days he will meet you in the real world to finish his job. Being the Dream reaper is the same as the grim reaper would do. Except it is all in a dream and you will never wake up if you do sign... unless someone decides to ''Resurrect'' you which will piss off EX bomber seeing it's his job to lead the dreamers to the underworld or the havens above.

EX bomber has both a psychical body and a dream body, Sure the real body can be destroyed but as long as his spirit returns to the dreamworld he can return at any given moments. Which is why he still exist to this very day, Good or Evil he does not care for all he does is his job as the Dream Reaper.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Zeth의 일러스트


    A useless Artist


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    오늘의 레벨업!