일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 The Jewelstone Queen의 일러스트

i need a little break... LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

  • 일러스트

I've been working on online stuff, such as typing stories, animating, and drawling on medibang. its not like me to feel so... horrible. i feel like lots of people are depending on me. i type stories to make people happy, and i don't want to let them down. i am forcing myself to finish Z3R0's bday comic, ( which is gonna be late ) while im on art block. i haven't drawn a single traditional drawing in a month. im also working on a new animation, which is super frustrating and tedious.

so please excuse me, because im gonna take a break from medibang for a little bit. i will still be working on the bday comic, but it's gonna be late. please tell me, Z3R0Gravity when its too late.

i guess just enjoy this sloppy edgy drawing while I'm away. love u, my peeps!

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    신작순 The Jewelstone Queen의 일러스트


    The Jewelstone Queen


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