插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Zeth的插畫

Krystal cold (no colors)

我的最愛 3
閱覽數 466


  • 可愛

  • 玫瑰

  • mewcarion

  • Nintendo

  • crystal

  • super

  • krystal

  • sayian

  • nega

Krystal she is just your average bag guy ... No wait... I will be honest. Krystal used to be a big thing in the past. All though I would put her beside with Genesis when they were known as ''Nega''( Nega stands for Negative, in short yes bad guy name). There was also another guy who was known about Heat Seaker but lets be fair... that never went well.

Whats funny is that Crystal is her older sister and they used to known as ''the Crystal sisters'' (cheesy right =P ) Since they were very Identical to each other but the only thing was that Crystal the nice and kind sister. While Krystal was Rude and ice cold to strangers, however one day something horrible happened to Krystal as she was playing around a nuclear plant along side her punk like friends.( not the ideal playing ground, but not uncommon these days thanks to Pokemon go ;D). But in the future I might come back on this topic again


    上傳時間 Zeth的插畫


    A useless Artist



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