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The hidden family herloom inside the old frig

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3 years ago

  • MySecretSocietyContest

Theres a girl with a trumendous powers trapped by God's into a book so she could not hurt anybody , but she's a good girl she just can't control her powers...
Time by time thousand of years being trap at the book she decided to at least be useful to the world using her powers because the God's who trap her says when she control her powers she could leave again in the outside world... By her power she make and covert things by serving and giving helpful magic tools like drinks and food for people who could might posses the book that she's been trap on... Time by time she change looks, she multiplied she can control her powers but have a tantrum sometimes...
When her power are being abused...
The book only Cal be found by a true pure heart but the book can be so wrong sometimes thats why she gets wrong clients most of time some are good but doing for image looks some Good but really have a desire for it. some so dumb that's why he or she looks good but not...
Her name is heya...

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