插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 kiwii的插畫

Crisiant Galakir (Cao) LEVEL 2

我的最愛 9
閱覽數 345


  • 插畫

  • magical

  • medibangpaint

  • 數碼

  • 紫色

  • 人設

  • Crystal

  • Oc's

  • mystical

  • charactersheet


ello ello pepperonis! this has to be the first COMPLETED character sheet/info chart thing i've ever done. This is a momentous occasion for me 😭
I originally made the first one and then decided to use that character sheet base thing I made months ago- I could've sworn I posted that too... maybe under topics? m a y b e i ' m l o s i n g m y m i n d

anywho, nevermind the horrid handwriting, I think this turned out cute :D I know its more on lore and info but I still wanted it to look nice. The doodle section was originally expressions but I already did that and didn't want to- redraw- the expressions. So I made it into a fun lil doodle section.
Cris was and is apart of a story I've had in my mind for YEARS (he looks so different now :'D)- and it was one of the first stories I wanted to make a comic for so I may do that over the summer (?) perhaps
okay I'm close to the word limit- stay safe and fresh pepperonis!
-kiwi 🥝


    上傳時間 kiwii的插畫


    mumbling Expert



    今天的LEVEL UP