Star Angel, A sylveon, More about Her ⬇
5 months ago
Star Angel, Gender: Female, Pronouns: She/her, Full name: Star Angel Clouds, Description: The bow on the tail is a Bow given by Her brother, Moon hacker clouds, For some reason the bow on the tail is not a shiny bow, But her brother is a Shiny, colors: Pink, Dark pink(shadow) light cloud blue(eyes) Grey(shadow) White, Dark Blue(shadow) Sky blue, blue, dark sky blue(shadow) Light blue(eyes) Cloud blue(eyes) light Sky blue(eyes/shine) light Bright blue(eyes/shine), Brushes: Pen, Frames: 6, Are you even reading these?, Thank you for seeing/reading this! This took a short amount of time! I'm A Fast Artist! Lol ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💟💟❤💟❤💟💝💞💞💝💞💝💓💓💓💝💓💌