Ashtail(mentor) and Spottedpaw(heart) (apprentice)
9 months ago
Spottedpaw was Posie when she came into thunder clan, she wanted to be in shadow clan they wouldn’t let her. She came in the clan before rusty(Firestar) but they were almost the same age (4 moons when she came, 5 or 6 moons when firepaw came) so Spottedpaw is older that firepaw. When spottedpaw move into thunderclan no one liked her except for Brightkit, Brightkit was almost an apprentice at the time when they became best friends (they were friends before but not “best” friends yet).
Name: spottedpaw(heart)
Gender: she-cat
Clan: thunder clan
Role/rank: medicine apprentice to apprentice
Mentor(s): Spottedleaf(med), Yellowfang(med), Greystone(war)
Best friend(s): Brightkit(heart)
Crush: Ravenpaw
Personality: shy/quiet/smart/observer/sweet(kind)