Happy Pride Month 2018
Despite the fact that I live in a country that is not LGBTQA+ friendly, I still am a big supporter and advocate of LGBTQA+ community. I believe in equal rights and that everyone deserves to love whoever they want to love regardless of their preference and they also deserve to be themselves as they truly identify no matter what other people says they shouldn't.
My hubby, on the other hand, sorta tolerates LGBTQA+ issues. He's not 100% on board on this, and is more towards the typical "I'm cool with lesbians but not gays" type of person, but at least he's not one of those radical religious homophobes who would be a dick about it.
My kids are still a little young to understand the concept, and I won't force-feed them, but hopefully when they are old enough, I will be able to educate them about tolerance, acceptance and love of all genders