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ファングリム キャラクター Fang Lim

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3 years ago

  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest

  • BLUEHUNTER-OriginalCharacterCategory

Her Backstory:
She is a daughter of one of the richest fishing companies in the world. When she found out that her parents' company are doing illegal/immoral practices, like overharvesting all kinds of fishes, including exotic and endangered marine animals, Fang contronted them, but they refused to listen to her, and reasoned out how much money they would lose and how much people would lose their jobs. felt shameful and disappointed. She ran away from home and decided to be a Blue Hunter to stop her parents and people like them from destroying nature, which she loves and cares for.

She is a representative of Japan in the UN Our Ocean Conference to help protect marine life; an investigator and a spy who can disguise as many different persons due to her androgynous appearance, who has successfully infiltrated numerous illegal businesses across the globe; a black belter in karate, a fast swimmer, and a powerful free diver.

(The other details are contained in the image attached)

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