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5 years ago

  • fanart

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  • seventeen

  • Kpop

  • korean

  • 17

  • hoshi

  • svt

  • boyband

Hello! So recently SVT dropped another piece of art, AN ODE!!! THEIR 3RD FULL LENGTH ALBUM!!! *send help, I´m dying*
I´m sooo excited with this album, I can´t stop listening all the 11 songs ugh... ART!!!! MASTERPIECE! KINGS! Okay I´ll stop.
As I´m so excited (and because I finished my comic, hehe), I decided to draw my next SVT member... Hoshi! The one and only!!!
Because his name means star in japanese and because of his great stage charisma and personality, I decided to draw him surrounded by stars. It also means the hardworking person he is. And I took the style of this drawing by leaving the black line visible, I think this cartoon sorta style suits him so well because of his sharp features.
Well, hope you like my drawing and Seventeen´s new album! Have a nice day! :3

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