插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫

Bryttcats: Cloudy Night [read desc]

我的最愛 4
閱覽數 109


  • medibangpaint

  • AU

  • terranovaverse

  • originaluniverse

From my original universe The Terranova floating Islands.


So, what I'm going to do Is make a little drawing with a red about every leader of this magic wild cats. Every leader is different, with something that make them special and remembered by the generations.

Cloudy Night (previously known as Cloudy)

after the death of her mother, the leader of the tribe, Cloudy was chosen to be the next commander of her people.She is the current leader of the tribe, and she's still trying to find her role in this world that will made her the best of all.


    上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP