일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 FuzzyButter20의 일러스트

Ave the cat (New Oc)

즐겨찾기 15


  • medibangpaint

  • furry

  • 자캐

  • Grey

  • Light

  • Bio

  • NewOC

  • Ave

  • RefferenceSheet

Soo i finally made a new OC
Her name is Ave idk why i love that name
And also if your wondering is she related to Katherine? She is actually
She is her classmate :)
Oh yea and her bio:
Name: Ave
Age: 15 y/o
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Cat
Ave likes drawing and reading in the library
she prefers to stay there when its lunch time
Ave has blue hair but colored the tip of her hair white
Ave likes to change her clothes soo if your drawing her i prefer you draw her in another outfit
Ave has a little sister named M#####
(Censored cause it will spoil her name)
And for friends Ave is actually pretty popular in her school
She has friends and stuff
Lastly about her dislikes
She hates being told a white cat
Because she is actually a light gray cat if you look closely
She hates the rain,tornados,Too much sun,The beach and haters xD
Welp thats about it
If you have questions about her leave a comment ^^

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    신작순 FuzzyButter20의 일러스트


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