일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 NickIndustries의 일러스트

Mark: 1 (read desc) LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 4


등록된 태그가 없습니다

~Mark was a man that constantly got hurt. All through his life, and it didn't start with constant accidents. It started with his father. As he got older he became increasingly clumsy. Tripping and falling all the way to cutting off fingers on accident. There was no end to it and he got so used to it, he started doing it to himself.
One day when he was with Nick they were traveling through a field of unending golden colored grass. Mark made the unfortunate mistake of stepping on a sharp rock. Drops of red soon painted it as he took his paw away. He brought his paw down next to the rock and almost stepped on a butterfly. It fluttered up and landed on his nose.
Mark smiled. Nick had stopped and was looking over at the fox with a confused look.
"You know Nick," Mark said, "sometimes it's the simple things in life that make me the happiest."
Mark loved butterflies, they reminded him of his mother and the peacefully time in his childhood.
A time without any pain.
~ To be continued

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    신작순 NickIndustries의 일러스트




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