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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • Story

So, basically what this is, it’s my character Lotus, and she is seeing herself in different places at once. All with her sister. She misses her family, so she tries to interfere with the loop. Instead of going back, she is bouncing between realities and doesn’t know which is real. She looks at herself one day in an old mirror, and sees another Lotus, smiling back. She climbs through the mirror and she realizes it’s another reality. So she mirror jumps until she figures out how many loops there are. Within each reality, there comes a problem and a nice ending and she mirror jumps to the next. After she does that, she try’s destroying every reality until there is only one left. She ends up destroy only one reality, one she hasn’t entered. And she enters it, and she is home. Finally, finally, home.

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