插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Quinnipac.CraZy.Town.88的插畫

I am a Queer

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 74


  • Lqbtq

  • LQBTQ+


i was akid back then i was pick on for wearing rainbow shirts and thing with rainbow i now have PTSD from childhood i was born with both below i was fix agt 6 years old to female i have more testosterone then female hormone it was 50/50 chace get pregnant i have 5 kids 4 misscarries due my testosterone levels i am women but now take my embracing my Queer in 2021 i have putbout load to pepole i stand up and raise passing my childhood trauma from being pick on fron being bulky as a kid i glad for i am i embrace for who i am i love werewolf that why my Queer is like that deep down i am dof but in human fkrm as a queer i am hapyy for who i am and not who i am not people cant exsip that then that there lost that is mt stoey why i embrace myself in life keep moving forward with living life.


    上傳時間 Quinnipac.CraZy.Town.88的插畫



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