插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 MissArtemis的插畫

A Light To Guide You ~ Part Three

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 19


  • medibangpaint

...The next day, Drake came back to guard my cell. Instead of sitting to the side, away from me, he sat down right in front of the cell, watching me. Obviously, I was very confused and was shy to have him right there. We just sat there awkwardly staring at each other until he asked why I'd been trapped in here. I told him the whole story, that I was Aurelian and sent to that realm to complete a Mission and find my next Link, how I found Valiance and we rebelled together, and how the Deleters caught us and were experimenting on Valiance, and I was stuck here. I could've sworn he smiled when I told him how I strangled the last guard to get the keys. He listened to the whole story, and never said a word. When I finished, he asked me if I'd met another with a Legendary Zoid before. My answer was no, and I asked if he had. He nodded, and told me there was a Rider who rode a Legendary Zoid called Liger. He'd been tasked with catching Liger and his Rider's team of rebels; Team Freedom........


    上傳時間 MissArtemis的插畫


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