Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Alucard The Vampire Kitty (Kittycard)

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • vampire

  • Ultimate

  • Kitty

  • Alucard


(I drew this 1 year and half ago for Halloween, I'm very happy with it)
Hello there everyone! I have a drawing I don't think that nobody has ever seen before for ya! Ya all know (if you are familiar with Hellsing, of course) about Alucard having multiple forms like Girlycard, Doggycard, and Vladcard (I kinda made that last one up while writing this, but his name is Vlad if anybody don't know) but how about a kittycard, that's right ladies and gentlemen I bring you Alucard the vampire Kitty known as Kittycard! This drawing is inspired by my love for cats, vampires and Hellsing! Enjoyed!

Alucard: *looking at himself and says* damn even my kitty form i'm so irresistible! *turned into kitty and started to purr

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