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5 years ago

  • medibangpaint

"83-A A.K.A Dallas Leric."
"What's the info?"
"Quite the glutton and keeps breaking into he kitchen. He was sent here for delusions and possible OCD by the county police after he tried robbing a soup kitchen."
"What the hell?"
"Yeah. He's 26 years old and seems to think he's a god."
"Sounds like a narcissist to me."
"Yep. We can't even let him into the kitchen or else he'll jack everyone's food.
He came here 2 months ago and we only just now got this shit under control."
"Has the boss done anything?"
"Lots of things. Te anesthetics worked but the operation only messed with his memories and speech."
"What's he doing in there?"
"What do you mean?"
"There's red on the walls."
"Fuck we need to get someone down there."
"What do you mean?"
"He self cannibalizes himself after 12 hours alone."
"Great, more psychopaths to deal with."
"Be more sensitive, we don't need to get fired."

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