일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 🇵🇭 Yuzuki.의 일러스트

I painted on plastic

즐겨찾기 0


  • 소녀

  • 팬아트

  • traditional

  • 귀멸의칼날

  • 胡蝶しのぶ

  • 아날로그

  • Hashira

I wanted to paint on glass and I don't have glass. But I have plastic sooooo I panted it on plastic.

This was hard to do since my plastic is small and the marker I used for the lineart is kinda big but it looks fine I guess. For the nose and mouth, I used a toothpick and black paint lol

The violet I used for the hair is dark and you don't really see it

The skin also ended up too dark but it's not really noticable in the picture

It was so hard to not let the paint go beyond the line, I mean, look at her eye-

I also forgot some of the shading lol

Anywayssss, I hope you like this!

(Should I make a frame for this or what?)

    다음 작품

    신작순 🇵🇭 Yuzuki.의 일러스트


    Cat VA
    🇵🇭 Yuzuki.


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