Bank pt. 3
Part 3!!! And that makes a wrap!!!
I felt like the bank worker deserved a face, she was nice.
Anyways, in the end I left my house at around 12:30 p.m. because the bank opened at 1 p.m. did a 2 and half waiting row to just last less than 5 minutes when it was my turn to be attended, AND got informed that I could've solve my issue online at my house... did the groceries and got back home at around 3:30 p.m... lets add a bit more pain to injury, I went on a Saturday and on Monday I had a project that was due :D so meanwhile all that time just went by I could have been working on my project :DD
I'm not crying, you are!!
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Next?: There is no next page ._.
Well that makes it for this short anecdote of mine, I just love rows, they're fun...
Oh? Also, I will most likely re-upload them all on a single post for people to get the full experience