일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 risavisven의 일러스트

🌃Good Night🌃 LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 9


  • medibangpaint

  • love

  • 자캐

  • kemono

  • digitaldrawing

  • 은하

  • romantic

  • anthro

  • whatever

  • charister🌹

Ongoing DTiYS, there are prizes. Damn, one entry in three weeks....


Maybe I should just delete the post and draw all of the prizes for that one person🗿

I've been on medibang for 4 years now, seen many people come and go. This site doesn't ruin or downgrade your images like many other sites which is great

My first acc https://medibang.com/author/3315042

This is my second acc.

However, unless you've got some fame here or somewhere else, Instagram is still much better for building an audience. Look at me, stuck at 100 something for years. 95% of them doesn't even actually care about my account. I don't do f4f. Go away, thank you.

To the 5%, thanks alot for staying here. Pogchamps. I don't post alot and my drawings are LAUGHABLE at best, but you somehow decided to stay? That's AWESOME. Maybe I'll host a raffle here once I'm not busy with my crippling mental health issues.

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    신작순 risavisven의 일러스트


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