Rema concepts II
4 years ago
A) Carpace light armor. Armor from Dalomos, it's treated to where soft enough to work, originating from the exoskeleton of a creature native to that land's subterrain. Rema purchased it during her last days with the Kongazewa for a particular mission. B) Rema's casual attire. She's not much of a dresser growing up with one dress and handmedown boy's clothes for play, what she did learn from Miriam is knowing her color. Still keeping with gypsy flare, Rema also is mindful to keep it functional for whatever situation. C) Before setting out to learn what she could in the world, Rema was with her family's gypsy caravan with her mother. She took to dance more seriously and what her mother could teach. Magnolia's best gift to take with her was incorporating Rema's swordplay with the footwork and nimbleness in dance. D) Isalmian infantryman outfit. When Rema proved herself in tournament competition, she earned her place in Isalm's army among the infantry.
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