일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Phia is a name의 일러스트

Seven Tréfle LEVEL 1

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Seven is the West patrol leader and the the club card suit. She’s the oldest out of the patrol leaders and joined the patrol group when she was 26. Despite only being a patrol leader for a mere two years, she’s a natural at her job. Even though King has been a patrol leader for the longest time, Seven has been in the field for even longer. She always have the winning strategy for any situation. Some may say that she’s just lucky, but hey we’ll never know for sure. The theme I went for was vintage Casino. So I gave her tassels on the end of her flairs, and that very puffy short hair, as well as a short-sleeved blazer jacket. She was so much fun to design, mainly because of the flairs, and she looks very professional. Her weapon is a club because of course, its the club suite, so she gotta have a club. Her main strategy is to break down the opponent, leave them with nothing, and when the time is right deliver the final blow to take them down.
Here’s your gold star ⭐️

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    신작순 Phia is a name의 일러스트


    Phia is a name


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