They thought that it would be easier, but vice-captain was unlike her superior. With her there was no game of "steal the fire", no purifying flame, just a fight until knockout. Li-an was relentless and merciless. She was warrior who wielded lightning. During these battles she would only use her fists, and controlled currents of lightning that would not leave any permanent damage.
During the entirety of her fights, electricity would be coursing trough her and she would push through the tingling, the uncomfortable sensations, the pain. She was NOT immune to it. The metal parts of her armour also did NOT protect her against it, the opposite actually. But that's how she was. This young woman was merciless, relentless and more than to others she was this way to herself. Her concentration was needed to be unbroken, always and if it slipped even for a second during her matches, she would punish herself for it. Admiring her captain’s vision, she follows it and lends her strength.