臺灣針葉五木 Taiwan conifer five trees
2 years ago
台灣針葉樹五木的由來 「 台 灣 五 木 」一詞源於日據時期。 1912年英國學士院 H.J.Elwis來台考察林業,建議可倣「日本五木 」來訂定「台灣五木 」,並認為紅檜、台灣杉、香杉、台灣油杉、台灣肖楠是台灣最具代表性及林業生產重要性的針葉五木。
The origin of the Taiwanese conifer Wumu The term "Taiwan Wumu" originated from the Japanese occupation period. In 1912, British Academy H.J.Elwis came to Taiwan to investigate the forestry industry. He suggested that the "Five Trees of Taiwan" should be modeled on the "Five Trees of Japan" to define the "Five Trees of Taiwan". Coniferous five trees that are important in nature and forestry production.