插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Totally_not_YveNRen的插画

Goldie, Ginger, and Rose

收藏 5
浏览数 186


  • 可爱

  • medibangpaint

  • 原创人设

  • kemono

  • FiveNightsatFreddy's

  • furryoc

  • Siblings

  • animatronic

Goldie: Top right corner
Rose/Marina: Bottom left corner
Ginder: Bottom right corner.

The three siblings I mentioned in my last post. Rose Marina is the middle child, Goldie, the oldest, and Ginger the baby of the family.

Rose Marina is a normal cat, unlike her two brothers, and has a piercing on her right ear, she's 13 years old, and is 5'3. She often gets annoyed easily, but is silly, playful, and loves teasing her two brothers.

Ginger is an electric cat (you can tell by his tail.) and is 6 years old. He is 4'11, and is sweet, and friendly, though a bit of a crybaby.

(Extra: Goldie's design was originally based off of Golden freddy from FNAF, hence the purple top hat, and golden fur.)


    时间顺序 Totally_not_YveNRen的插画



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