일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


Teen Sweetie Belle

즐겨찾기 29


  • medibangpaint

  • 마이리틀포니

  • anthro

  • Belle

  • Sweetie

  • FrienshipIsMagic

  • CutiemarkCrusaders

I wanted to do a drawing for sweetie bell for a while as a teen and anthro, and it was fun doing so. Plus, I'm also doing a swimsuit edition that will be done soon.
I personally like the cutie mark crusaders, already drawn Scootaloo, so I wanted to try another one. Of course apple bloom is still on the list.

If anyone wants to add her as an icon or put her in a fan group, please let me know or give me credit. Not cool when you steal some else's work.

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