일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Cmagistrelli의 일러스트

(Vent) Questioning my sanity LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

  • ventart

  • BrawlStars

  • Cmagistrelli

  • MentalHealth

  • StuBrawlStars

  • ComfortCharacter

  • TheBadRandoms

  • WickedStu

  • QuestioningSanity

  • CopingMechanisms

I know I vented a lot about giving up age regression as a coping mechanism but now there's something else concerning me. When a regression video showed up on TikTok, I saw a comment from someone saying that there's some sort of study or something that shows that age regression negatively affects maturity and intelligence levels later in life, which is especially concerning to me now because come late 2022, I'll be 18 and a freshman in college and I want my future friends to see me as smart and mature. But note that the person who wrote that comment is NOT a licensed professional/therapist. I don't know if what they said is true or not. But now when it comes to coping mechanisms, I don't know if it's better to watch cartoons and color in coloring books or to just bottle up the stress and emotions and drown those feelings in a crapton of coffee at 5:00 in the morning. If you don't know what age regression is, look at some of my past vent posts. I've explained it in the comments.

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    신작순 Cmagistrelli의 일러스트




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