插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

So...I have been gone a long time....
Hey guys.....so I have been gone I long....long time and I’m so sorry I have. No if’s ands or buts about it I’ve been gone for a long time. But I want to be honest here and say that I miss every one of my friends here on Medibang...and I really really really wanna keep in touch with you guys😭
So...if you guys wanna find me....I am on discord or you can message me here and I can find another way to talk to y’all
Via email or something
I don’t mind I promise. I can be a little more open about my self too
I just want to keep talkin...
I was kicked from y’all’s discord for inactivity....but I mean...no bones about this...college life sucks...I but I’m not going to blame my inactivity on that. I could have and should have made time for all of you and that is as simple as that...I have no other way of saying it... I miss you all and love you all.....if I am still allowed to ask for anything from any of you it’s this simple.....
I want a second chance.....please...

