Black Tar Lore
Black Tar's originated back in Slawin's Sacrifice. Or so it WAS one. Black Tars can be noticed as hostile and dangerous Species in the Transformation Realm. But as it is, they won't hurt a fly. The original Black Tarian resulted of hatred and malice, Slawin Quil was the victim. After the Sacrifice of Restrictor's plan. He was thrown into the Held Chamber, in which is made for current gods whom which bad deeds or aren't worthy of their title. And soon get the Fallen title. The Black Tars are considered a Fallen Species as their species was transferred to the Held World after word of Slawin's creation of one. A small Stealth ability tar. After they were transferred. The population grew and grew. Till they had to inhabit small Eras near the Held World. After many cases of hostile behavior, which weren't first caused by Black Tars, they were annihilated by The Restrictor for the safety of his people. Only a few live today, but their numbers are steadily growing year by year. Though, without The Restrictor's greed for Power of God, the Black Tars wouldn't have existed.