イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

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my life is just a whole mess rn
Im having family issues, school issues and idk how to explain it to someone of confidence. Im trying my best to be mentally stable but im not doing well at moment.
School makes me feel paranoid and anxious, VERY anxious. Everything there makes me want to punch the wall and scream. My classmates and teachers are overwhelming me with a lot of stuff
I just need to hide in my hole and cry
I explained everything to people i trust but NO ONE believes me, or ignores me.
Im having family issues too. My sister is constantly yelling at me because i grab food and when i do something wrong she has to scold me like a maniac, she genuinely makes me cry and think bad about myself, i told my mom that she is making me feel bad but my mom doesn't care.
I just wanna sleep all day and forget about this
I dont wanna see myself suffer, it makes me feel worse, people just overwhelm me and that's all, i hate people who annoy me
I need someone to talk with, instead of having to vent to someone that wont believe me 😮‍💨
