일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Larry and todays news post
I cant post at 3 because i have to be at my cousins party. He is 15 now. Anyway i think im going to bring up a lil bit of gross topics. Dont say i didnt warn u. I.......popped..........my................pimple. It was gross a whole lot of white stuff *wink* came out of it. And then my all time fav part. Blood. Yeah so what i like to see my and everyone elses blood. It satisfys me. Im weird? Yeah i get that alot. Anyway i want u to meet larry the talking ILlumanati DOritOO
I DOnt feel Like Posting Tommorow
SO Im Gonna Tell U How I Feel About Yaoi
I Like It Not Because Of How They Touch On Each Other
Ok thats kina why but because there gay.
I support gays, homos, and bi's
My tablet is malfunctioning . It acts reall stupid sometimes

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