插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


"Eret?!" "Dream, you fucking bastard! You said you wouldn't!"
"Where the hell is he?!" "Eret?! Where the hell are you?!"
"You've crossed the fucking line, green bastard!" "GUYS! Over here!"


"Holy shit!" "That's a lot of blood.." "Eret?! Can you hear me?!"
"No no no no no..." "Someone get bandages! Fucking hurry!"



"A small price to pay for those I care for,"

"Don't even fucking start-"
"You're gonna make it, Eret! Don't- Hurry the fuck up with the bandages!"


"Yes-Yes, Eret?

"Take care of L'man-manberg well, and care for Fundy.."

"... I will."

"... It was meant to be..."
