插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Gay in another way
Hi! This should be my final coming-out post for a while. I’ve been sitting and thinking a lot about my past, present, and future, and I believe I have an answer to who I am.

I’m Michael. I’m a non-monogamy, demi-recipromantic, aromantic, catgender lesbian. I’m aromantic, but I do still fall in love with people; just not initially romantically. I fall for people aesthetically and emotionally, and if they express romantic love or gestures to me, I’ll start to fall in love with them romantically.

And, well, I’m a lesbian. I only fall for people who are non-binary, multigender, fem-aligned, etc. I don’t really fall for people who identify entirely as male.

As for catgender? I still consider myself trans, as I don’t identify with my agab, but my gender is simply best expressed with cats. There’s just. Something about them, I suppose?

Non-Monogamy is just about any relationship structure that isn’t strictly monogamous.

As for a question that one may wonder; what about how I’ve hopped between lesbian and mlm so much?

Without getting into details, I’ve recently figured out that the reason I’ve been trying to identify as transmale and mlm is because of my trauma. 9/10 times I’ve told people that I liked girls, the result has been an event that has genuinely traumatized me.

But, what I’ve been learning about myself is how to overcome this and be comfortable in my own identity.

I can happily and proudly say that I’m a lesbian without feeling internalized dread

This is who I am :]
