ayyyy wip
soooo wip of a cover for a little novel thingy I’m writing
Is there any website I can post novels or stories on?? I am trying my very best to not join the infamous Wattpad lmao
anywhoooooo the story I’m trying to write has a theme like steampunk 1950s-1960s??? It’s about what it was like for the LGTBQ+ back then and how hard it was, idk I just like the concept of creating something that spreads awareness for what it was like back then. The story is going to be called Here To Forever, inspired by a song/album I like.
(also, if you want to read it, I’d like to warn that it has a dialogue and theme that others may find offensive, but Its not intended to offend anyone, just to display what it was like in the 1950s-1960s.)
Is there any website I can post novels or stories on?? I am trying my very best to not join the infamous Wattpad lmao
anywhoooooo the story I’m trying to write has a theme like steampunk 1950s-1960s??? It’s about what it was like for the LGTBQ+ back then and how hard it was, idk I just like the concept of creating something that spreads awareness for what it was like back then. The story is going to be called Here To Forever, inspired by a song/album I like.
(also, if you want to read it, I’d like to warn that it has a dialogue and theme that others may find offensive, but Its not intended to offend anyone, just to display what it was like in the 1950s-1960s.)