Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
I've been seeing these really mushroom outfits and cosplays for specific characters everywhere oml I love them-
Sorry for not being super active lately ;v;
As usual life's just busy between school coming back up other interests besides art and now officially having a boyfren ; v ;
Still trying to be active and comment and be supportive where I can cus y'all deserve all the love <3
Today I took to redecorating and cleaning my room a bit that felt good. I have this big cupboard built inside the wall of my room, I'd say closet cus it has a rack but it's too deep into the wall to be practical for that so I turned it into a hidden hole with stuffies blankets so now I can read and draw in there when I'm sick of my desk and people <3 anyway really good mood right now hehe
That's all for now.

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  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Hope299GAMES 1 year ago

    > NufinThing
    Nice to see you too! Been a hot minute hehe
    I wanna get like a cute mushroom themed outfit but I have nowhere I'd wear it ;v;
    Yeah ofc! Being on medi ALL the time is just unrealistic for a lot of people including me, and its healthy to not be online all the time ya know.
    Aw thanks for the wishes! So far it's been great ;w;
    I hope you have a great day too! See ya around :]