Why the hecc not?
1. Real Name: Cassidy
2. Nickname: Cass, Lacuna, Fag Wagon (insids joke)
3. Height: 5'7
4. Gender: Girl
5. Can you dance?: Eh?
6. Can you sing?: nOpE
7. Favorite song?: Castor Troy - Sink or Swim
8. Can you rap?: Only to music
9. Hair Color: Natural: Brown Dyed: Blue
10. Tall Or Short: Toll
11. Sweats Or Jeans: sWeAtS
12. Oof
13. Health Freak: Kinda?
14. Orange Or Apple: Cherry
15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Uh duh
16. Guy Friends Or Girl Friends: Mostly guy
17. Piercings: Nah fam
18: Coke or Pepsi: COKE
19. Have You Been In A Airplane: yes
20. Have You Been In A Relationship: Yeet
21. Have You Been In A Car Accident: Nah
22. Have You Been In A Fist Fight: Nope
23. First Piercing: Fam I just said I didn’t have any
24. Best Friends: I have like... 4
25. First Award: This is no joke, and I’ll put a picture down below. But I won an award for being the most beautiful or something like that when I was a baby xD (edit: runner up I guess lmao)
26. First Crush: dis guys names Coledon
27. First Word: Kitty
28. Any Talent: I can play the flute? And also make water droplet noises
29. Last Person You Talked To: Kayla uwu
30. Last Person You Texted: Kayla uwu uwu
31. Last Person You Watched a Movie With: My frands
32. Last Thing You Ate: Swiss roll
33. Last Movie/TV Show You Watched: Swamp People lmao
34. Last Song You Listened To: Frantic Factory - The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra (really good song)
35. Last Thing You Bought: Some pizza (wHicH i sTiLl nEed tO gEt pAiD bAcK fOr)
36. Last Person You Hugged: My grandma
37. Food: Chocolate
38. Drink: COKE
39. Bottoms: fuccin sweats
40. Flower: Hibiscus
41. Animal: Not humans
42. Color: Anything grunge/cyber
43. Movie: Bolt
44. Subject: Science
Have You Ever (Put A X In The Brackets If Yes)
45. [X]Fallen In Love With Someone
46. [X ]Had Your Heart Broken
47. [X ]Celebrated Halloween
48. []Went Over The Texts/Minutes In Your Phone
49. [X ]Had Someone Like You
50. [X]Hated The Way Someone Changed
51. [ ]Got Pregnant
52. [ ] Had An Abortion
53. [X ]Did Something You Regret
54. [X ]Broken A Promise
55. [X ]Hid A Secret
56. [X ]Pretend To Be Happy
57. [X]Met Someone Who Has Changed Your Life
58. [X]Pretended To Be Sick
59. [ X] Left The Country
60. [X ] Tried Something You Normally Wouldnt Try And Liked It
61. [X ]Cried Over The Silliest Thing
63. [ X]Gone To The Beach With Your Best Friend
64. [ X]Gotten Into A Argument With Your Friends
65. [X ] Disliked Someone
66. [X ] Stayed Single For Two Years Since The First Time You Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Or Been Single Forever
67. Eating: Nuthin
68. Drinking: Nada
69. Listening To: Nuthin
70. Sitting Or Laying: Sitting
71. Plans For Today: Uh already did em fam
72. Waiting For: When I die :) No seriously, for when I meet Kayla
73. Want Kids: NOPE
74. Want To Get Married: Shore
75. Want To Travel: DUH
~What Do You Look For In A Partner:~
76. Lips Or Eyes: Eyes??? Wtf kind of question is this?
77. Shorter Or Taller: Girls: Shorter def Guys: Taller
78. Younger Or Older: Around the same age. 1-2 years younger/older is fine since it’s still legal xD
79. Romantic Or Spontaneous: Don’t mind either
80. Trouble Maker Or Hesitant: Regular???
81. Hook Up Or Relationship: Relationship
82. Looks Or Personality: Personality (and maybe sorta looks)
~Have You Ever:~
83. Lost Glasses: Yup
84. Snuck Out Of The House: I’m a child of God
85. Held A Gun Or Knife In Self Defense: Yee
86. Killed Somebody: ...we don’t talk about that.. (no)
87. Broke Someones Heart: Yeah
88. Been In Love: Yeh
89. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
~Do You Believe In:~
90. Yourself: I guess
91. Miracles: A lil bit
92. Love At First Sight: Studies show you can fall in love with someone in 4 minutes, but I never spend that much time around someone, so no
93. Heaven: Lil bit
94. Santa Clause: Used tuh
95. Aliens: YES
96. Ghosts/Angels: Yeh
97. Is There One Person You Truly Want to be With Right Now: Kaylaaa
98. Do You Know Who Your Real Friends Are: Yes
99. Do You Believe In God: Nahh
1. Real Name: Cassidy
2. Nickname: Cass, Lacuna, Fag Wagon (insids joke)
3. Height: 5'7
4. Gender: Girl
5. Can you dance?: Eh?
6. Can you sing?: nOpE
7. Favorite song?: Castor Troy - Sink or Swim
8. Can you rap?: Only to music
9. Hair Color: Natural: Brown Dyed: Blue
10. Tall Or Short: Toll
11. Sweats Or Jeans: sWeAtS
12. Oof
13. Health Freak: Kinda?
14. Orange Or Apple: Cherry
15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Uh duh
16. Guy Friends Or Girl Friends: Mostly guy
17. Piercings: Nah fam
18: Coke or Pepsi: COKE
19. Have You Been In A Airplane: yes
20. Have You Been In A Relationship: Yeet
21. Have You Been In A Car Accident: Nah
22. Have You Been In A Fist Fight: Nope
23. First Piercing: Fam I just said I didn’t have any
24. Best Friends: I have like... 4
25. First Award: This is no joke, and I’ll put a picture down below. But I won an award for being the most beautiful or something like that when I was a baby xD (edit: runner up I guess lmao)
26. First Crush: dis guys names Coledon
27. First Word: Kitty
28. Any Talent: I can play the flute? And also make water droplet noises
29. Last Person You Talked To: Kayla uwu
30. Last Person You Texted: Kayla uwu uwu
31. Last Person You Watched a Movie With: My frands
32. Last Thing You Ate: Swiss roll
33. Last Movie/TV Show You Watched: Swamp People lmao
34. Last Song You Listened To: Frantic Factory - The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra (really good song)
35. Last Thing You Bought: Some pizza (wHicH i sTiLl nEed tO gEt pAiD bAcK fOr)
36. Last Person You Hugged: My grandma
37. Food: Chocolate
38. Drink: COKE
39. Bottoms: fuccin sweats
40. Flower: Hibiscus
41. Animal: Not humans
42. Color: Anything grunge/cyber
43. Movie: Bolt
44. Subject: Science
Have You Ever (Put A X In The Brackets If Yes)
45. [X]Fallen In Love With Someone
46. [X ]Had Your Heart Broken
47. [X ]Celebrated Halloween
48. []Went Over The Texts/Minutes In Your Phone
49. [X ]Had Someone Like You
50. [X]Hated The Way Someone Changed
51. [ ]Got Pregnant
52. [ ] Had An Abortion
53. [X ]Did Something You Regret
54. [X ]Broken A Promise
55. [X ]Hid A Secret
56. [X ]Pretend To Be Happy
57. [X]Met Someone Who Has Changed Your Life
58. [X]Pretended To Be Sick
59. [ X] Left The Country
60. [X ] Tried Something You Normally Wouldnt Try And Liked It
61. [X ]Cried Over The Silliest Thing
63. [ X]Gone To The Beach With Your Best Friend
64. [ X]Gotten Into A Argument With Your Friends
65. [X ] Disliked Someone
66. [X ] Stayed Single For Two Years Since The First Time You Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Or Been Single Forever
67. Eating: Nuthin
68. Drinking: Nada
69. Listening To: Nuthin
70. Sitting Or Laying: Sitting
71. Plans For Today: Uh already did em fam
72. Waiting For: When I die :) No seriously, for when I meet Kayla
73. Want Kids: NOPE
74. Want To Get Married: Shore
75. Want To Travel: DUH
~What Do You Look For In A Partner:~
76. Lips Or Eyes: Eyes??? Wtf kind of question is this?
77. Shorter Or Taller: Girls: Shorter def Guys: Taller
78. Younger Or Older: Around the same age. 1-2 years younger/older is fine since it’s still legal xD
79. Romantic Or Spontaneous: Don’t mind either
80. Trouble Maker Or Hesitant: Regular???
81. Hook Up Or Relationship: Relationship
82. Looks Or Personality: Personality (and maybe sorta looks)
~Have You Ever:~
83. Lost Glasses: Yup
84. Snuck Out Of The House: I’m a child of God
85. Held A Gun Or Knife In Self Defense: Yee
86. Killed Somebody: ...we don’t talk about that.. (no)
87. Broke Someones Heart: Yeah
88. Been In Love: Yeh
89. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
~Do You Believe In:~
90. Yourself: I guess
91. Miracles: A lil bit
92. Love At First Sight: Studies show you can fall in love with someone in 4 minutes, but I never spend that much time around someone, so no
93. Heaven: Lil bit
94. Santa Clause: Used tuh
95. Aliens: YES
96. Ghosts/Angels: Yeh
97. Is There One Person You Truly Want to be With Right Now: Kaylaaa
98. Do You Know Who Your Real Friends Are: Yes
99. Do You Believe In God: Nahh