插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

fucking kids mode has ruined my life
so i use phone all the time and this is what i do on my phone:
i use it for my digital art, i use tumblr as my social media, so as pinterest, i play minecraft and roblox there, and alot of shit. but then ONE DAY MY LIFE IS GONE BY KIDS MODE IDK HOW TO REMOVE IT FROM MY PHONE. basically what kids mode is... umm lemme send you the link of how kids mode works
yeah it sucks. im trying to find a way how to hack it in my phone though. the reason why its in kids mode is because i havent been doing my responsibilities, but thats what mom thinks. I A M D E P R E S S E D. no not really depressed, my mental is falling apart, and ive lost my imagination skills. im always bored, i miss my inspiration, i miss my digital art skills, i cant post, I CANT DO ANYTHING. pleas give me advice on how to be happy... help me
