Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

There’s a girl who sits on her phone...
Trying to help the ones that are sad...
Trying her best...
Things come up and she gets mad...
But if she lets it out, she might be the cause of someone’s death...
Then that would be the cause of her own death...
She smiles every day
She says she ok and she says her days been good,
She’s telling the trutth
She’s always happy
She finds a good side to everything
Even loving someone, she feels like she’s on top of the world
She smiles when she sleeps
She craves her attention
She craves wanting to see her
She’s happy
She loves her
She loves how she looks
I can’t stop loving her
I can’t stop loving everything about her
Everything she says
Everything she posts
Whether it’s good or bad
I’m always there
Always there for her
And sure, we have ups and downs
But I wouldn’t leave, ever
And I hope she wouldn’t either
I can’t stop loving her
I love her too much
But, is that really a bad thing?

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